Digital Marketing

Image Processing


Facebook Application

A picture speaks a thousand words and in the world of e-commerce and digital marketing, pictures are one of the most influential elements that can either make or break a business. A poorly taken photograph can result in bounce from customers. The better a product is showcased, the better are the chances of attracting potential buyer to stay on the page. The customer can see or feel a product only through the images and descriptions that are put up, so they need to be as perfect as possible. Apart from the customer themselves, many online marketplaces have stringent policies regarding the quality of pictures.

The images must not just show the product but also showcase why this particular product is better than the rest available online. And the image should represent the product in all its entirety- that is it must be real. Fake images, or when delivered products are different that the showcase product images, it results in customer outrage and a potential ban by the marketplaces. It is, therefore, imperative to have the best photography team at your disposal.

Why Digital Team India ?

Just putting up higher number of photographs does not help a business unless they are high quality product images. Clicking a picture is not the end, it needs to be edited and processed as well. Aesthetic appeal matters lot in the decision making process of the buyer. A picture needs to be well angled, well positioned, and well edited in order to attract customers at first sight. This may seem daunting, but it’s possible with the help of right people. We here at Digital Team India have an assortment of highly efficient photographers, technicians, Photoshop experts and designers, with vast experience in product photography for e-commerce. Our experienced members work to deliver the most aesthetically appealing and eye catching images for a product that no buyer will take their eyes off. Here is all that we will do for our clients.

  • Table top photography (normal or shiny)
  • Model photography (male and female).
  • Image processing.
  • Imaging resizing.
  • Photoshop.
  • Basically everything that needs to be done for that perfect product image!

Apart from the services enlisted above, we continue to support and help our clients with a 24/7 customer support services, to help our clients run their business smoothly.